With customer experience becoming a major focus for IT leaders, they must navigate the complexities of delivering personalised experiences while maintaining compliance and privacy standards. The challenge lies in finding the equilibrium between providing tailored user experiences and upholding data protection.

This IT leader roundtable discussion will explore the intricacies of balancing personalisation with compliance and privacy considerations. Key topics to be addressed include:

  • Developing strategies for collecting data responsibly and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines
  • Implementing robust data protection measures and promoting transparency in data usage practices
  • Leveraging collected data to create exceptional customer experiences, focusing on the role of IT leaders in shaping and supporting these initiatives




Arrival & Networking


Welcome & Introduction                                                                                                                                           


Topic 1: Developing strategies for collecting data responsibly and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines


Topic 2: Implementing robust data protection measures and promoting transparency in data usage practices


Topic 3: Leveraging collected data to create exceptional customer experiences, focusing on the role of IT leaders in shaping and supporting these initiatives




Event Close


Luke McLean

Senior Business Director


Nik Hendel

Vice President, Solution Engineering APJ


Rockpool Bar & Grill

Rockpool Bar & Grill Sydney is Australia’s most beautiful dining room. Situated in the sensational City Mutual Building, a 1936 Emil Sodersteen-designed American style art deco skyscraper, the dining style is simple and uncomplicated – perfectly wood fire-grilled meats and seafood from Australia’s very best producers – a perfect match to what is Australia’s greatest wine list.

This event includes lunch worth $139 per attendee. We are pleased to accept payment for all or a portion of this event as permitted or required under your ethics laws and policies and can provide additional information or documentation upon request.